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Scope of the Conference


Increase of the living standards, deterioration of the thermal conditions in the urban environment and non appropriate architecture design, has caused huge penetration of air conditioning in Europe, and mainly in the Southern Countries.


Such a condition has a very serious impact on the peak electricity demand of the  countries and the corresponding energy consumption. Intensive research carried out only the last year has permitted to develop new technologies, components, materials and techniques that permit to decrease seriously or even eliminate the cooling demand of buildings. In parallels, very low energy consumption new generation buildings have been realized and monitored.


The new European Directive on the thermal performance of buildings asks from the Member States to undertake all the necessary measures in order to decrease the energy consumption caused by air conditioning.


The scope of this Conference includes all aspects of technology dealing with the summer performance of buildings and in particular ventilation, solar control, thermal mass, thermal comfort, urban microclimate landscaping, low energy architecture, innovative components and materials legislation and regulations, advanced and alternative air conditioners, demand side management, etc. The main aim is to present and discuss the state of the art of research and applications dealing with the summer performance of buildings.


Book of Proceedings


Volume I

Volume II

Under the auspices of the:

Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre

International Network for Information on Ventilation and Energy


Communication Sponsors:


Last update: 05 November 2010

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